Fit-Gap Analysis Evaluates Geospatial Data Needs and Availability

A “fit-gap analysis” is an assessment of a need, available solutions to address that need, and the gap in between. The WRMP Fit-Gap Analysis, led by Cristina Grosso and Tony Hale of the San Francisco Estuary Institute and conducted in active collaboration with committees and workgroups of the WRMP, identifies the geospatial data needs of the WRMP and evaluates those needs against current datasets (considering dataset availability, quality, resolution, geographic scope, and format). The Fit-Gap Analysis Report below describes this work. View and download the latest version of the report.

The production of this document and the related efforts to document data management processes for the WRMP are funded by a USEPA Wetland Program Development grant, awarded to the San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) in partnership with the San Francisco Estuary Institute – Aquatic Science Center (SFEI-ASC), San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), and the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV). The approach described in this document adheres to the terms of the USEPA-funded project, as influenced by ongoing engagement with the committees of the WRMP.

This document was approved by the WRMP Steering Committee in June 2021. However, this report is intended to be a living document and will be updated periodically as new datasets are identified and gaps are resolved.